Our Services

Map Investment Growth Plans


  • Help you set a vision

  • Draft your short-term implementable goals

  • How to find the money to fund your investment portfolio growth

Asset Management


  • Implement plans that focus on the long-term health and success of your real estate assets

  • Develop quality control systems and metrics to measure the success of your investments

  • How to track the condition of your properties

Exit Planning and Generational Transitions


  • How and when to pass the ownership to your children or philanthropic organization

  • Next generation coaching

  • Help you run partnership and family planning meetings

Property Management Consulting


  • Help you negotiate property management agreements

  • Help you source and interview a local or regional property manager

  • Analyze management fee structures

Growing Your Real Estate Investments


  • Business development

  • Benchmark/key performance indicator setting

  • Procedure development

  • Focus on profitability of investments

Business Management Coach


  • Sounding board

  • Business advisor

  • Focus on personal and business growth

  • Goal development